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SalvageData submits to regular cleanroom inspections and audits to ensure our cleanrooms are certified and meet or exceed the same ISO 5 Class 100, IES-RP-CC066.2, and STD-209E Federal Standards used by hard drive manufacturers. ISO standards certify cleanrooms by the cleanliness level of the air inside the controlled environment.

Whereas ISO 7 or ISO 8 are the most common cleanrooms owned by other data recovery providers, SalvageData strives for an ISO 5 level, which uses unidirectional airflow and HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filters). By investing in the certification of our Class 100 ISO 5 Cleanroom and other advanced tools and equipment, we continue to establish our reputation as an industry leader.

We proudly share our updated ISO 5 Certificate so our commitment and compliance can be easily attested.

Why choose us?

Most secure and trusted data recovery service provider

100 locations near you

With over 100 locations across North America, our data recovery experts are near and ready to help. Contact us or submit a case today to learn more about how we can help you recover your data.

Secure recovery

Annual SSAE 16 Type III SOC and internal HIPAA compliance audits to assure complete confidentiality with a wide range of security & confidentiality standards.

Leading experts top ranked

Top ranked and recognized by numerous organizations and publications for our outstanding accomplishments and stringent dedication to quality services.


Don’t be fooled by the “cleanroom myth” and a nonprofessional minimizing its importance by claiming that “being extra careful” is enough. If a hard drive is making noises and was physically damaged, then it must be opened for proper diagnosis and data recovery in a controlled environment such as a certified cleanroom.

A majority of data recovery providers rely on inadequate portable “clean bench” enclosures at best. These devices have limited space and awkward configurations that dramatically restrict an engineer’s ability to properly diagnose, and repair a device without compromising the drive’s stability. So, they present significant testing limitations and unnecessary risks when working on highly unstable hard drives. At SalvageData, we invest and maintain a full-size ISO 5 cleanroom whenever a highly complex hard drive recovery is needed. Our goal is to ensure the secure and best possible chance for a successful recovery for every case – without cutting corners.

Verified data recovery experts

Since 2003, SalvageData has been pioneering in data recovery industry and has been the first to obtain ISO 9001 certification.

Certified experts

Get your data recovered in a ISO-certified laboratory and highly-rated professionals with years of experience in secure data recovery.

No data, no charge

It’s simple: on the unlikely chance that the data is unrecoverable, there’s no charge for our data recovery attempt.

Free diagnostic

Get an expert evaluation to find out exactly what’s the issue is with your device and determine the complexity of the recovery

Fast recovery

We offer a range of turnaround times that you can choose from so you can get your data recovered as fast as you need it.

24/7 emegrency services

Count on our 24/7 emergency HDD recovery options. Call now to speak with a data recovery advisor and get your data recovered ASAP.


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What is cleanroom

Cleanroom environments are a critical part of the data recovery process. During a physical recovery, when a hard drive must be opened, the cleanroom prevents media components from being exposed and taking on serious damage during analysis, repair, and stabilization.

The hard drive platter is so delicate that any speck of dust, skin flakes, hair, microbes, or any airborne particle might seriously damage or scratch its surface. SalvageData understands the importance of this and has invested in maintaining a FULL-SIZE cleanroom to best protect your hard drive during the data recovery process.

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Cleanroom guarantees security for your device and your data

All SalvageData engineers are trained and work in control certified Cleanroom when performing hard drive and RAID data recovery and other advanced repairs. Our cleanrooms constantly test at ISO-5 Class 10 or better.

Besides ensuring air quality, temperature, pressure, and humidity are strictly regulated as well to avoid any contamination. We take pride in providing our clients with the safest terms in any possible way – we ensure privacy and controlled access to your storage device, as well as the safest possible environment in which your media is examined and worked on.

Warranty-safe data recovery services

Our technicians are certified to provide data recovery services to all data storage manufacturer brands without affecting your device's warranty.